After School
New World Academy provides an engaging learning environment for your School Age
student. Even when school is not in session, children need to be actively engaged in a
stimulating learning environment. We offer a safe, structured environment that
balances learning and fun. Our programs offer enrichment opportunities, engaging
learning centers, and opportunities to extend learning beyond the school day. From
completing homework to fun physical activities, this program builds independent
learners while promoting youth voice.
Daily Schedule:
The School Age program offers parents and students Before School, After School,
Before & After School, or School Vacation options. Mornings are filled with activities
to help “wake the brain” as children arrive and begin their day. Students are given the
opportunity to choose activities based on their interests and engage in structured
activities. Homework assistance is always available.
Curriculum and Learning:
Our Monthly Curriculum Calendar gives parents a part of each day’s lessons. Lesson
Plans engage your School Age student in the following areas:
• Anti-Bullying
• STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
• Vocabulary
• Spanish
• Literacy
• Math
• Art
• Community Building
• Physical Education
• Enrichment Activities